Rachel George
"Neuroscience For Kids." Neuroscience For Kids - Neurotransmitters. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2016.
Mental illness is prevalent inAmerica today. Toby Allen's artwork sheds light of different types of mental illnesses. I wanted to know what was the science behind mental illness. I learned that mental illness occurs in one of the most important parts in the brain, the synapse. I created a mini game with questions about the mental illness and how we can help yourself and others. In order to play the game you have to sign up and search up "THE SCIENCE BEHIND MENTAL ILLNESS"Neurotransmitters and Neurons.
https://create.kahoot.it/#user/b30d4566-6158-462f-8790-0fa229b6ec61/kahoots/created"The Difference Between Neurons And Neurotransmitters." The Difference Between Neurons And Neurotransmitters. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2016.
Kahn, April. "What Causes Tremor? 18 Possible Conditions." Tremor: Types, Causes & Diagnosis. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2016.
National Institutes of Health.US. Department of Health and Human Services,n.d.Web.07.Dec.2016.
National Institutes of Health.US. Department of Health and Human Services,n.d.Web.07.Dec.2016.
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