Sunday, October 30, 2016

Selfie: Us and Them

The generation in this day in age love to post selfies. For it to be a selfie, it must be taken by you, and only you. It must be taken by the camera on the inside of the iPhone. Many teenagers are used to the world selfie; they find it to be a good way to express themselves. There will never be a party again without selfies being posted on the gram, twitter, or Facebook. I, as a teenager, am guilty of taking selfies at every party I go to.
In Selfie: Us and them, I found the art so amazing that they all had so much talent. I thought the one art with the one male’s head that looks like it is on an animal’s body. I loved how much is going on in this piece. It shows that no matter how old you get; you will always be young and alive. Also, how the picture has a grown head with a beard and glasses, and how he has his head doing baby things. For example, like how he is getting fed from a “Mother’s body”. He has his thumb in his mouth, learning to crawl, sitting up, standing, and holding on to his surroundings.
The next piece of art that caught my eye was the black, blue and white piece. It shows a head, but never a face. It is like they are saying selfies shouldn’t only be of the face. It should go beyond that, show the darkness of everything and not just the fun of selfies. Sometimes a picture says a thousand words.  For this piece the one art of the picture of the actual selfie and how it shows the dark face. As if the face doesn’t exist. Nothing can be better than showing that selfies don’t have to be happy and fun. They can show fear, hurt, and so much more.  The middle part of the piece shows a man at a computer screen with a little eye at the corner. Saying they are always watching for the next picture of whoever they are following. Most people have blogs that they post to everyday, or a famous person that posts everything they do on social media.
I feel as if the next piece of art shows more meaning, not that the others don’t. This piece shows the growing of a girl to a woman. The messages on the pictures itself, show that people are cruel, and she hated how she looked as she grow up. She is explaining how growing from a little girl that had not hit puberty yet to a grown woman. The first message says “First a child, Then bright articulate adult with sadness from parts that where not there”. Meaning that she was being teased when she was a little girl because she had no boobs. Girls are cruel when it comes to school, or when it comes to being a girl in general.
The word selfie can be often mistaken as a word that is meant for the fun aspect of the world. We never see the other way of it. How it can show darkness, or a cry for help. A cry for help from a picture can show so much. How it is angled, how they pose, and how their face is. If you are looking at a picture, you can tell everything. For an artist, they can do anything with their hands, or a camera. Blogs or an Instagram page can show everything that they do in a day. I use to coach a daughter of a mom who blogs everything that she does in her day from the time she gets up, to the time she puts her daughters to sleep. I look forward to seeing her snapchat and what she does in her day every day. You can tell by her posts on how her day is going, or what she is eating that day because she posted a picture. She is always posting pictures of her and her daughters taking selfies.
The artists that made the pieces of art that where in the Selfie: Us and them where expressing themselves and how they see what a selfie is. Every person has a different view of what they think it is. It showed with the different pieces of art that they all had. I believe the best two that I saw and loved was the one with the male head, and the transforming herself from a young girl who didn’t want to take a selfie because of her looks, to the beautiful woman who loved taking them. They have so much power and expressing in each piece of word that they had. A selfie shouldn’t always be shown as the fun time that we all have a party or an event. It should be a way that you express yourself in any way you want too

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