Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Human Trafficking

I will be writing and presenting my project on human trafficking. Human Trafficking is the illegal movement of people, typically for the purposes of forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation. Every day someone is being used for either cleaning or as a sex toy. Slave and sex traffickers are very well known in everything they do. They are using force to keep them under their wing and to keep them quiet so they don’t tell anyone. We never know when someone is under the force of traffickers. They might be right next door of us and wouldn’t even know it. The house next to a school might be a trafficking house.
Human trafficking is supposedly bringing in millions of dollars per year. It is also the first that brings in so much money, the next one is drug trafficking. It is the most crime filled from the police that they hide from. Traffickers fear law enforcement, so they like it to bring different cultures, languages, and other races into the mix.
The most used trafficking is commercial sex. They are being forced to have sex with random guys that are paying a lot of money to get what they want.  From shows that I’ve watched, shows that they make a website that looks like a shopping website. They see what girl that want to have sex with, and they message the pimp. Soon after, they set up a meeting place where the girl dresses in a coat, goes to the hotel and from there its trafficking. If their “customer” or the girl does not do what they are suppose, the customer normally gets off, because they don’t know what goes on beyond the doors. But the girl normally gets hit, or forced to something that they shouldn’t.
A sex trafficker’s survivor made a memoir about her experience, Girls Like us.  She explains on how it was on her and the family of the sex traffickers. I will be buying the book to explain this in more detail.
A story that I found online about a flight attendant learned about sex trafficking was very interesting. An unidentified woman stated that she would have never thought about human trafficking as a problem till today. She stated that her airline started giving training lessons on how to identify it. How do they identify? They see how the person reacts, if they answer for themselves. If they avoid eye contact, if they feel scared or anxious.  If they have their own movement and can go anywhere by themselves.
She also stated that the one time she was on a plane that she came across a group of young girls that did not speak English. She thought it was weird that they weren’t speaking, but she didn’t think much of human trafficking. She then went to ask for her retired mother about it, and her mother said that in her day of work, she also came across something like that.
Another story of an airline being aware of human trafficking. An airline attendant named Sandra Fiorni saw an 18-year-old girl with a newborn that came onto the plane with the umbilical cord still attached. She said in her testimony that she only had one bottle of milk and two diaper on her. At the time, she did not find anyone to put a report in on it. She then noticed that she had to do something about it.

I will also be reading more into the Girls like us book, and see if there are any interviews on the girls 
that are in the book, or the author.  Also be doing a lot more research on how the police do their job on protecting the young girls. 


  1. Human Trafficking is a very sad and serious issue. This website is about human trafficking: it is a global database informing people about human trafficking.

  2. I think you're on the right track with this project topic. It is a very emotional topic to talk about but, it does make it more interesting. I think once you get more information from the book, you will have a lot to support this issue.

  3. Watch this
